Joshua S First time pass! Alex was able to give detailed advice that helped me to understand any mistakes that occurred. I found that he was very patient throughout all our lessons, and overall he was extremely helpful.
Keira J Pass in Macclesfield Alex was amazing and 10/10. He was super helpful and adapts to different ways of learning. I had failed a handful of times with my old instructor, and then passed first time with Alex so that says everything really. He also often refers to the workbook which I found helpful.
Emily D Pass with 3 minors! Alex makes you feel relaxed and he is very good at offering reassurance in all situations. I found the he helped me to build confidence as we progressed with our lessons and he gave good instructions. Alex would always help if needed, but he would allow me opportunities to try independently when required. Overall he is a good instructor.
Tahlea B First time pass! Alex Dawes is an experienced instructor. He allowed me to learn in the best and most efficient way that worked for me. He always made sure I felt comfortable with my learning and he never pushed me to exceed anything if I didn't feel 100% with it. If I was having trouble completing a task I never felt ashamed to ask for help, he always helped me and encouraged me to try on my own to help my learning. Alex provided multiple apps for me to track my lessons and to help me with resources to pass my theory test. I recommend Alex to any new drivers. |
Caitlin P Pass in Buxton Alex was a very calm and understanding instructor who was really easy to get along with. He made me feel relaxed in the car and he was never late to lessons. Alex was an amazing instructor who always had high expectations of me when it came to driving.
Jacob B First time Pass! Alex has been a fantastic instructor, he is so patient and relaxed. The LD system, especially the LDC workbook has been helpful when it came to revising for both my theory and practical tests.
Ethan W Pass with 2 DF I think Alex is really good for explaining things and is understanding of any errors that occurred. I think all the methods he showed, really helped me to understand anything I was unsure about, especially with roundabouts and manoeuvres.
Liam C First time Pass! My instructor was 10/10. He allows you to learn in whatever way you learn best, and he was very friendly and easy to learn with. The resources provided were great, the book had all the necessary information and the app provided had everything to help me practise the theory test. Overall, I couldn't have had a better instructor. Thank you! |
Lilia C Alex was always calm Alex was really helpful when I was unsure about things, or if I ever had any questions. He was also very good at reminding me of anything that I had ever forgotten. Alex was always calm whenever I made any mistakes. I found the LDC website very helpful when it came to preparation for my theory test as it was almost identical to the real thing, so I felt really well prepared.
Codie W First time Pass! I haven't been with Alex for long, but he's helped me very well. He supported me when I wasn't sure on any signs or new roads. Alex showed up on time for all of my lessons, and he was very polite and kind. Alex always reassured me whilst driving and I can definitely recommend Alex as a driving instructor.
Eleanor M Pass in Macclesfield I can definitely recommend Alex Dawes with LDC for learning and driving test preparation. Alex is a reliable, supportive and skilled driving instructor who helped me build confidence ahead of my test. |
Ben W Pass in Buxton I found Alex to be a very patient instructor who was very articulate when it came to rectifying any errors that occurred during lessons. I really liked that prior to starting or when we stopped to discuss anything in more detail, Alex used Google Street View to further help my understanding of a situation and he clearly understood my preferred learning style. I thought the way Alex conducted mock driving tests was thorough and it gave me an invaluable insight as to what I could expect. Above all though, Alex was very understanding of any personal situations and always put me first.
Jack K First time Pass! Alex is a very good instructor who teaches in a clear way which has helped me pass my test. Alex uses mistakes as a learning opportunity which has helped me become a better driver.
Beatrice D First time Pass! Alex was a brilliant instructor. If I was ever unsure during our lessons, he would guide me into what I needed to be doing. He was also very good when it came to explaining the theory behind what I was doing. He prepared me very well for my test.
Sam H First time Pass! Alex was a very good instructor who was very patient throughout our lessons. He explained everything carefully so I understood how to execute new skills whilst driving.
Charlie H First time Pass! I found that the lessons were very good and thorough. The atmosphere in the car was relaxed and the lessons were very enjoyable.
Leah Jackson First time Pass! With only a few lessons, Alex had been really helpful with making sure I was improving and progressing each lesson. I really appreciate all the help and guidance given and I’ve smashed my test with one minor!
Will Brook Pass in Buxton I thought the lessons were really well done. I always felt comfortable and in control within the car. The lessons have really helped, and Alex was a great instructor who I would definitely recommend. The car itself is very good for learners.
Kadi Boughey First time Pass! Alex was amazing and so helpful. He was able to support me on my driving journey and he was able to answer any questions I had. Above all though, he was friendly and approachable so I knew I felt at ease in the car.
Connor Bailey First time Pass! Alex has been very helpful in teaching me how to drive and he has helped me understand where any mistakes have been made and how they can be fixed so they aren't made again.
Archie G-H First time Pass! Alex was very good with his explanations of the manoeuvres. He was always flexible with the time of lessons. He keeps calm and talks things through in difficult situations, explaining if something has been done incorrectly and he then describes how it can achieved successfully.
Harriet D First time Pass! My instructor was always punctual and a great teacher. I was glad to have had the LD system. The LDC workbook was very useful and I was happy with all the resources that were provided.
Grace C Pass in Macclesfield I would like LDC to know that Alex is a fantastic instructor! After having done plenty of driving before, he still broke old habits and drilled a lot of what I found difficult into my driving. From day one, he put me at ease in the car so it was super easy to communicate if something good or bad, or if something went wrong. Overall - it has been a pleasure to have Alex as an instructor, thank you, thank you, thank you!
Eleanor Prinold Pass with 3 DFs I feel like Alex taught me very well, he helped me through my struggles and helped me to pass my test. The method of learning through the workbook was very controlled and well organised. |
Finley Thorpe Pass in Macclesfield My instructor was patient, helpful and easy to get along with. All the important techniques were carefully explained and shown before I attempted them. The resources were also helpful. |
TJ Knight Pass with 3 DFs My instructor is great and has helped me overcome things which I struggled with. Furthermore, the workbook was very helpful for preparation when it came to the 'tell me' questions.
Ash Barlow First time Pass! Alex was very supportive and calm. He was always encouraging me to try again and was always willing to help. He was very thorough with explaining and there was a calm atmosphere in the cat making it easy to ask for help or guidance.